Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 2, 2016


If your pet dog began to enter into the development period to the big guy, and daily food intake is not enough for a week. You wonder if it’s time did not know the dog food for sensitive stomachs, and certainly not with this decision. Some general guidelines below will help you decide exactly.

 1. Differences in dog food for sensitive stomachs 

The dog food for sensitive stomachs high in calories and nutrients to support the bones, muscles, joints and organs develop. Adult dog food contains fewer calories and more nutrients, such as calcium. An adult dog should not eat food for puppies, because it can cause obesity and development issues. If the adult dogs eat dog food, it can not eat because they contain too many nutrients.

 2. Changing dog food for sensitive stomachs

PetMD recommended food for puppies dedicated to it until it is a year old. Then you should start feeding it adult dog food. Food should not change within a day. Be replaced gradually with food for adult dogs in a week. Start with a small amount of food and increase in the next days. If the puppy has diarrhea or abdominal pain, then reduce the amount of food change. Contact your veterinarian if you are concerned about this issue or the occurrence of other side effects.

 3. Dog eat some breakfast? 

Normally, you should eat three meals for puppies per day until it is six months old. Then reduced to two for breakfast and dinner. From there, you just have to pet two meals per day. These instructions may vary if your veterinarian concerned about the development and growth of the pet weight. Keep a schedule for meals in moderation.

 4. Special dog food for sensitive stomachs for dogs

Look for dog food for sensitive stomachs made especially for your dog. Foods for puppies will have nutrients are synthesized in small pieces, making it easy to swallow more puppies. Similarly, adult dog food with larger sizes, containing the appropriate nutrients to demand the gradual development of the joints and bones. These ingredients such as when used in dog food for sensitive stomachs processing would risk a very high contamination with other types of hazardous materials. Some of dog food for sensitive stomachs will be destroyed during processing while others are not. Bacteria and bacterial toxins: the slaughtered animals as well as animals that are killed by disease, injury or accidental causes, they will act as a source of meat raw materials, waste products from the action plants, meat processing redundancy for dry pet food. Products made from animal meat is often found in dry pet foods include ground meat from chicken, poultry products, and meat and bone meal. Dead animals on farms can not be shipped immediately to meat processing plants for several days after death. The corpse may be heavily contaminated with bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli comes from the digestive organs decaying, rotten center. E. coli bacteria are dangerous can be infected is estimated over 50% of meals containing meat.

 5. The amount of dog food 

 Better yet, please pay attention to the back of the packaging bags of food for food is essential that manufacturers recommend. You can adjust the amount of food depending on your dog’s activity more or less, so that it is providing necessary calories. Consult your veterinarian if you have any questions about the specific needs of the puppy.
